
Dear Charter Communications,

I'd like to say, when you send me emails to remind me how much money I owe you, there's no need for you to write it in letter form. Letters are written by people, not some mega-database computer, which I know is what you are. The worst part of the letter is the greeting: "Dear Valued Customer,". How about my actual name? Did you consider that? I doubt it, you're a computer and not a real person. I laugh a little bit every time I read your greetings, because I know for SURE you do not value me at all. If I was also a computer like you, and some how magically I could send you money every month, my value to you would not be different. People value people. Companies value money. I'm sure there are some great people who work there, but as a whole you seem heartless, you are heartless.

This isn't a Pinocchio story where if you act real nice you'll turn into a being capable of valuing a person. Charter you will forever be a Company, not a person, so stop sending me letters. You can send me reminders, you can send me invoices, you can even send me a virus (not really), just stop sending me letters.

Our relationship is about to scale back quite a bit, Charter. The only reason I don't breakup with you all in all, is because I have to get my internet from you, which sucks but is necessary. But I'm searching, and as soon as I can get away I will.

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