This is a compilation of top 5 list of things I wish I could go back in time to see/do. In other words, if I had a time machine and could go back to see something first hand, and only got to choose 5 for each category, this would be my list (tonight). Tomorrow they all might change, but this is the list for tonight.
Musical Performances:
1. Beatles - Ed Sullivan Show
2. Michael Jackson - Thriller Tour - Moscow
3. Hank Williams - First night he played the Opry
4. Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison
5. GNR - Appetite Tour
Movie Releases (In Theater)
1. Jaws
2. Godfather
3. Dr. Strangelove
4. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
5. Harvey
Biblical Events
1. David and Goliath
2. Jesus' Last Seder (Last Supper)
3. Feeding 5000
4. Splitting of The Red Sea
5. When Elijah did the wood burning competition with King Ahab
Cities at their peak
1. Rome - post reformation 1500s
2. Monchupichu (spelling)
3. Jerusalem - King David era
4. Tokyo - 1850s
5. Rome - 300 years after Jesus' death
That's all I got. Please do some lists on your blog. What other lists should we do?